Open Source

Conforma code is free to view, copy, and modify…

An Open source solution

Conforma’s source code is open source. This means there is no licensing and no annual fees, making Conforma a highly accessible solution.

What is “Open Source”?

Software where the source code is available to others to view, copy, learn from, share, or change.

Think of open-source code as a recipe for an application. The recipe is available online for anyone to look at, use, or change in their own homes, but they can’t change the meal you cooked or the original recipe unless you let them!

Open source solutions not only remove cost barriers but also allow for continued improvements to be made and felt by all users. Developers outside of the mSupply Foundation can contribute to improving it.

With the source code freely available, this transfers power to countries or organisations using it.

This collaborative approach also enhances security, by making all code visible to independent scrutiny.

Open source doesn’t mean “everything is free”!

A great analogy we once heard:

“Imagine being given a puppy – the initial gift is free but you then need to invest resources into growing and nurturing the puppy.”

Conforma is the same!

We offer the following services, which help to nurture Conforma:

A support contract

Support contracts are a little like paying for the fire service: you’re paying for a highly skilled team to be ready for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Custom development and implementation

If you want us to help customise Conforma to meet your regulatory needs or to be changed to interact with another system, you can ask us to do the work for you.


If you want us to spend time training you or your teams either remotely or in person, we’re happy to do that for a fee.