Releases (version history)

View each release with a summary of features, changes and bug fixes.

Open mSupply Releases

The authoritative source of releases is our Github Releases Page

Yes, the full list is a little daunting! We hope the following list is a little easier to digest. This is a short summary of the current and previous five releases:

Version 2.6.00 *Current release*

A huge milestone, with the initial release of label printing, back end plugins, client reports, internal order updates, vaccination card updates and further prescription enhancements

  • Backend plugins
  • Dispensing enhancements (payments, patient history, cancelling, program based prescriptions, keyboard shortcuts)
  • Label printing for dispensing
  • Client reports and more improvements to the reports framework
  • Vaccination card enhancements
  • Internal order enhancements (including the linking of an inbound shipment to an internal order and customised calculations)

Version 2.5.01

A patch release for the clients using program-based requisitions

  • Bug fix: #6230 not all periods shows up on first load

Version 2.5.00

Some significant UI improvements, including a refresh of the dispensing and internal orders screens

  • Reports (further enhancements, mostly behind the scenes updates)
  • Item ledger
  • Internal orders UI updated
  • New dispensing UI and diagnosis entry
  • Usability enhancements, including new help page, contact form, table action footer and general design updates

Version 2.4.01

A patch release for the family planning module

  • Reproductive health module

Version 2.4.00

Some enhancements to two recently released features and the very exciting arrival of manual customer requisitions.

  • Manual requisitions
  • Reports (translations, versioning, logging)
  • GAPS (item variants, location temperatures)

Version 2.3.00

The vaccination card is a major new piece of work, providing a patient focussed vaccination / immunization card

  • Vaccination card
  • Backdating prescriptions

Version 2.2.02

Support for a national price list and the use of a master list to provide discounted prices for certain items

  • National price list and discount list
  • QR codes in reports

Reports and report and requisition forms! Functionality to provide R&R forms linked with requisitions for ordering stock and the implementation of standard reports with a framework for managing reports.

  • R&R forms
  • Basic reports