Super Administrator Competencies
SA1.1 Deployment
SA1.1.1 Lead deployment at 20 or more sites (at least 50% of which must be Desktop sites)
SA1.2 Advanced Troubleshooting
SA1.2.1 Resolve problem administration scenarios requiring advanced diagnosis and resolution skills (examination will also cover content from all levels of accreditation)
SA1.3 Training
SA1.3.1 Conduct 2 group training sessions (for system administrators) under supervision of accredited trainer(s)
SA1.4 Language
SA1.4.1 Fluency in an mSupply language – English, French, Spanish – either a native speaker or hold an internationally recognised language certification at level C1 (proficient) equivalent or above
SA1.5 Optional Additional Competencies
SA1.5.1 Optional: Create customisations for mSupply Mobile
SA1.5.2 Optional: Perform integration with DHIS2
SA1.5.3 Optional: Perform integration with Open LMIS
SA1.5.4 Optional: Perform integration with Moneyworks
SA1.5.5 Optional: Perform integration with MYOB
To start the course enrol here.