Releases (version history)

View each release with a summary of features, changes and bug fixes.

Open mSupply Releases

The authoritative source of releases is our Github Releases Page

Yes, the full list is a little daunting! We hope the following list is a little easier to digest. This is a short summary of the current and previous five releases:

Version 2.1.00 *Current release*

This version completes the planned work for the migration pathway from mSupply to Open mSupply.

  • Inventory adjustments
  • Migration pathway
  • Facility & asset properties
  • Manage population data
  • Immunization programs

Version 2.0.00

An increase in the major version (from 1 to 2) for this release because of the very exciting introduction of a new central server!

  • Open mSupply central server
  • Returns – the ability to return stock to a customer or supplier
  • Asset (CCE) management module
  • Migration pathway between mobile/desktop and Open mSupply

Version 1.7.00

  • Merging support (items, customers, suppliers
  • Currency features: symbol and foreign currency support

Version 1.6.00

  • Plugin framework: front end plugin support!
  • Various improvements to the cold chain feature
  • Improvements to the sync system

Version 1.5.00

The cold chain integration has arrived! This RC release contains:

  • Cold chain UI
  • mSupply Cold Chain App integration
  • Berlinger fridge tag integration

Version 1.4.00

In addition to the following items, there’s also some changes to the dispensing feature to support an initial rollout.

  • The initial release of the plugin framework for the front end.
  • The outbound shipment edit modal has changed again – with improvements to the messaging and a reinstating of the auto-allocation feature.
  • Initial work for some of the new features has gone in behind the scenes, more to come on that later.